Every time we go to a school to introduce the CBC App, it is very common for us to hear words like “this will make our work much easier”. This is exactly what we expect each time we work with a school, but to actually see a school overcome difficulties it has faced for years is very inspiring.
I have two examples, one from a school that has been using the App for only one month and another from a school that has been using the App for an entire term. It is clear from the analytics that the schools are using the App and the feedback from teachers tells us why they are using the App.
Analytics from only one month of usage
Analytics from an entire term of usage
“I find it easier to assess the day’s work on my way home and by the time I beat the heavy Nairobi traffic in the evening, I am done with the assessments of the day”
“CBC App has really helped me reduce the amount of time I used to assess. The fact that all I do is open my phone and I can do this from anywhere at any time has really helped me focus my attention to other school matters”
“The fact that I do not have to carry over 30 books around so that I can assess is the best part of this. I am able to do the assessments even on the weekends when am relaxing at home”
Learner reports
Learner reports are yet another aspect of the App that has really helped the teachers, the school and even the parent. The fact that you are able to see the learners progress throughout the term, from how they performed in the different class activities, to how that ties to their performance in the end-term exam is a game changer.
This means even during open days in the school, when the teachers meet the parents they are able to have a productive meeting on the child’s performance that is backed with data and so the teacher is able to know what to focus on, and the parent knows how they could help the child during the holidays improve or perfect certain areas in their children’s academic.
Best part of the report is the teacher just needs to be consistent in keying in both the summative and formative scores and the app does the hard work of compiling everything else.
More exciting things are in the works
In our school visits and also conversations with teachers we get a lot of questions and requests in regards to other features that could help make their work even easier. We take all these requests into account and add them to our development pipeline.
By the start of next term, 2023, we will have more features that will actually enable the teachers do most of their work from the App. Top of the bunch is Syllabus Coverage. We have a plan around it and we hope to see that feature transforming how teachers plan, assess and keep records.
We are excited to see what 2023 has in store as we continue to do our part in helping empower the Kenyan teacher, after all, a teacher affects eternity, they never know where their influence stops.
The CBC App is revolutionizing the way teachers and administrators operate in schools. Its simplicity and user-friendly interface make it easy for teachers to use and save a significant amount of time. The automation feature of the App has lessened the workload of teachers, allowing them to enjoy teaching again. With its comprehensive end-of-term reports, parents can have an accurate understanding of their child’s learning journey throughout the term. The CBC App has also brought cost savings to schools by eliminating the need to print end-term reports and reducing the cost of assessment books. The App has also enabled greater accountability among managers, who can now track their teachers’ work and provide proper feedback. Overall, the CBC App has received positive feedback from school administrators, teachers, and parents, making it a solid investment for any school.