On 12th February 2024, KICD significantly changed the curriculum designs affecting learning areas from PP1 to Grade 8. The CBC App has changed the curriculum designs in compliance with these changes.
What is new?
Lack of sufficient rubrics for some sub-strands
Some of the changes to the rubrics in the curriculum designs are more difficult to interpret than what was previously in place. In some instances, there are no rubrics for sub-strands in the 2024 curriculum designs from KICD.
To address this, the CBC App team has made available some of the rubrics from the previous set of rubrics. They are labelled as KICD 2024 and KICD 2017-23, as you can see in the image below.

Generalised rubrics reformatted to specific rubrics
The KICD 2024 set has a lot of generalised rubrics that make it difficult to use. See the example below of rubrics in Agriculture and Nutrition. They are general and a teacher is expected to apply them across the various sub-strands.

To fix the issue, the CBC App team took the trouble to break them down into rubrics that are specific to the various sub-strands. This issue is common in the newly recombined learning areas such as Agriculture and Nutrition and Creative Arts & Sports.

Community Service Learning (CSL) Projects
The newly rationalised curriculum made specific recommendations for CSL projects in terms of which learning areas should carry them and how they should be structured. CSL Projects in Grades 1 to 3 shall be hosted and coordinated through Environmental Activities while projects in Grades 4 to 8 shall be hosted and coordinated through Social Studies.
These CSL projects are now available as strands with respective rubrics made available. In as much as the regulations require projects to be done once annually, the CBC App has made provisions for these projects to be done every term. Assessment evidence and assessment tools can also be uploaded accordingly.

What happens to my previous assessments?
We apologise for the removal of your previous assessments from the list of assessments you have already performed. To match the assessment to the current curriculum designs, we request that you utilise the archive (a backup of your previous assessments) we have provided to redo the assessments in line with the new curriculum designs.
Next Steps?
Please proceed to use the rubrics as usual. In case you find any errors in the rubrics or would like to request any specific changes, please reach out to us on 0799 149 616 via WhatsApp or phone call.